The most
frequently asked questions at my practice management workshops are,
"How to enhance
my practice?”
“How to increase
new patients?”
“How to
retain patients?”
“How to
achieve success?”
I always
encourage participants to ask themselves this question: “Why should a patient
come to my practice?”
Most often this question leaves the audience bewildered, for the simple reason that
we never think on those lines. The two most important terms that answer this question
are ethics and brand. How do we build an ethical brand?
We need
to be ethical at all times in all our endeavours as professionals.
We also
need to create a brand of our own which compels our patients to spread the word
around to others. There is an urgent need to train ourselves in the field of
management and to acquire skills in business strategy, organizational
leadership, finance, marketing, information technology and associated subjects
in order to excel in our practices. Of course it is a given that all
professionals have the ability to deliver an acceptable standard of care. The following may help create a successful ethical brand:

the talk
having a differentiator from the rest of the practices for its own sake is not
enough. Mass marketing has created a lot
of brands out there in the marketplace but unless a brand delivers on its
promises it is bound to fail. Promises made must be kept. Only ethical brands
survive the market forces. New practices often have to face tough challenges
and make some difficult choices but in order to survive ethics must never be
compromised upon. A practice must be able to deliver on its professional
standard of care consistently and persistently. As far as possible the outcome
of all procedures must be predictable if we are to create the right brand image
in the patients’ minds.
is the right time?
Today the
foremost confusion amongst the fresh dentists is what to do and when to do it? Before
establishing a practice it is advisable to be an apprentice with a senior
successful practitioner to gain experience and then take the plunge. Managerial
decisions need to be made on a daily basis in a running practice and one can
only make good decisions when one has gone through enough training for the
same. It’s always wiser to learn from others mistakes and/or experiences. I
have interacted with many dental practice owners who acknowledge the fact that
had they been taught practice management skills before establishing their practices
they would have done far better much sooner.
Rome wasn't built in a day...beautiful things take time to build
the creation of an ethical brand ensures that a practice will remain the first
choice of any existing or prospective patients and would also lead to the
existing patients’ referring new ones by word of mouth. Interestingly word of
mouth remains the most favoured and persevering form of marketing any brand
could aspire for. Ethical branding will also lead to better productivity,
enhanced efficiency and prevent a professional burnout thereby meaning more
success and happiness. But we must remember it takes a lot of hard work
and patience to achieve success and anything worthwhile takes time to grow! May I say Taj Mahal wasn't built in a day JJJJ
If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got~ Anonymous.
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